Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 10/27/2021

The thermal shock of turning on a light is allegedly what wears it out, yet the light in the refrigerator seems to require very little replacement.

Because of streaming, we all have a movie that we watched for the very last time on DVD or Blu-Ray, and we didn’t know it at the time.

Considering we only recently invented recording devices, and even now not everything we do is recorded... there is a high chance that when the “coolest thing anyone has ever done in the history of the world” was done, no one saw it.

The cowbell is something you don’t notice in songs until that moment you do, and then it’s the only thing in the song you can hear.

Like a snowflake you are unique. But, from afar, you look just like every one else.

If you fall out of your bed, you survived a crash with a planet.

Since we smell by inhaling small particles, scents technically have calories.

We truly don’t know what the underwater smells like.

In every version of Star Trek the uniforms for the guys in the engineering department are way too clean.

Your skin is wet on the inside.

Seeing the gunk develop when you have a Band-aid on your finger really shows how much random grime you encounter.

The skinnier the jeans became the bigger the phones became.

Your haircut was probably in fashion at some point of human history.

Clean water with almost no pee in it is fine. Pee with almost no clean water in it is not. There’s a specific amount of pee that’s fine.

It’s impossible to stop a sinking submarine from sinking.

They don’t tell you that when you get married you compare your relationship to all relationships on tv, good or bad.

Comedians and musicians are similar because they try to make things that are appealing to listen to.

Lifetime warranties really mean the company’s lifetime, not yours.

Almost all pictures of animals are nudes.

Crystals can actually heal you if you have a salt deficiency.

“Don’t Text And Drive” signs are most likely being missed by their target demographics.


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