Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Janacaro-Hensleigh Hopes to See Project Completions Through With Re-election

I would like to thank the Ledger’s editor for giving the candidates an opportunity to write our own front-page article.

Many of you already know me but, with all the new faces in town, many of you do not.

I am a fifth generation Montanan, growing up on my grandfather’s cattle ranch in Milligan Canyon. My family moved into Whitehall when I was in 7th grade. I graduated from WHS class of 72’ and Carroll College class of 77’. I moved back to Whitehall in 2005 and started serving on the Planning Board and the Parks, Trees and Cemetery Board.

I was elected Mayor in 2010 and then again in 2018. In addition to being Mayor, I also serve on the WTIF Board, Parks Trees & Cemetery Board, the JVCF Board and I attend and participate in the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce. I am also a Director of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority; we are working towards restoring passenger train travel to southwest Montana.

I am running again this year, as I would like to see the completion of our Water Treatment Plant which we have been working on for over four years. I know this seems like a very slow process, but it takes time to put together funding for an $8 million dollar project as we must secure funding (grants) from Federal and State sources.

It has taken the past four years, but we are finally caught up with our audits and financials. I am happy to report that we finished out the past fiscal year with a surplus, thanks to everyone being fiscally responsible.

The Town feels very fortunate we have been able to keep our Whitehall Pool open for the past two summers, thanks to the generosity of the community and our wonderful high school lifeguards.

We are also fortunate to have our high school students help us with Spring Clean every year. It is so important to have a clean and weed-free town.

I welcome everyone to the Town Hall with any questions you might have. It is always wise to double check what you might read on Facebook or Secret Whitehall.

The mayor’s job is to implement what the Town Council passes at monthly meetings, to see that the Town’s ordinances are followed, and to supervise the Town’s employees. The mayor is elected as a nonpartisan; it is the mayor’s job to pick up everyone’s garbage and to treat everyone fairly.

We are always looking for people to get involved with the town by serving on one of our boards and attending the monthly council meetings. I enjoy being your Mayor and would appreciate your support on November 2nd.


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