Dear Jo,
Not only do I look younger that my 24 years, I apparently look like my husband’s sister instead of his wife. We constantly get comments about looking alike, those are not too bad. The awkward moments are when we are affectionate (respectfully so) in public. People stop and stare at us like we are “kissing cousins”. Is it the red hair? We both have it, but do people honestly think that because we both have red hair we are related?! I wish for a smart comment to put people in their nosey places. Do you have anything?!
Red Head Mad
Dear Mad,
“Say hi to mom” after a kiss. “See you tonight, bro”, after a kiss and hug. Either give them something they can really talk about, or smile fondly at each other and ignore it. Congratulations, by the way, on looking young.
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
Some people, well, some people are just pushy, ignorant imbeciles! I don’t mean to be rude, but seriously! I am sick of people who do not care for others. How can you see someone in trouble, possibly hurt and just keep going?! I saw something happen, I don’t want to pinpoint who it happened to, but just suffice to say two grown men witnessed this person fall and just went on about their day without stopping for even a second. I have lived near big cities and I have seen this happen there. But we live in a small community where we, supposedly, choose to live because neighbors care about each other and their community. Doesn’t that include helping someone who is in obvious need of a helping hand?! Ugh! I had to vent.
Sad and disillusioned
Dear Sad,
Wow, you DID need to vent! I agree! I think no matter what area we live in, there are going to be people who are uncomfortable helping others. They may not be purposefully avoiding the situation. It could be that they are unsure of what to do or how to help. Although, a bucket of cold water over their insensitive heads would be great also!
Signed, Jo
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