Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Kudos to Wortman

Dear Editor,

First of all, kudos to Leonard Wortman! In response to his letter from last week, I would like to say that I find myself in almost full agreement with the majority of what he wrote. However, I must say that his comments about the new variant(s) are somewhat lacking. If this new Delta variant is as dangerous as he seems to have found it to be, there is definitely cause for concern. As you may recall, I am somewhat of a conspiracy theorist...

What if “they” figured out the whole COVID thing wasn’t having the desired (lasting) effect intended? What if the “virus” is in the test itself? Now, I have no idea whether these people had been tested before they became deathly ill, or if they were vaccinated and had an adverse reaction to the vaccination. However, I have heard of adverse reactions to the vaccination; also that nearly all who have been tested for the virus come back positive.

So, conspiracy theories aside, I don’t disagree with much of what Mr. Wortman said. I, however, won’t recommend getting the vaccine, no matter how deadly this new variant might sound. I’m not going to unfriend someone just because they got the vaccine, because I believe everyone has the right to do what they want with their own body, as long as they don’t try to harm anyone else in the process. Thank you for listening and thank you, Mr. Wortman, for standing up for our rights!

Charles Haddon Shank

Whitehall, Montana


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