Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Jo: 10/13/2021

Dear Jo,

I need help! It’s been two years since my last confession. To be quite honest, it’s been almost that long since I have darkened a church doorstep. The problem is, if indeed it could be called a problem, is that it’s also been almost that long since my family has had not much to do with me. Other than the yearly birthday greeting, it has been pretty much dead silence unless I initiate. I’m not really one to complain, but it does hurt a little bit. What do think I should do??


The Black Sheep

Dear Black Sheep,

It sounds like there is more to this story. However, no matter what has transpired between you and your family, you are obviously feeling a bit unwelcome. Do you want to go back to church? Do you want to see your family more? Does one have to happen to get the other? When I read your letter, what I immediately wanted to say was “this sheep needs to love himself/herself right where he/she is. Repeat after me, “I am worthy, I am uniquely and divinely created, I am exactly who I was meant to be.” If your brain screams BULL----, find out why and get working on it.



Dear Jo,

I am wife and mother; my children are grown with lives of their own. I work full time, traveling nearly an hour in each direction. Then there is the laundry, the cleaning, and the cooking. The reason I point this out is my husband (and he is a good one) wants me to join him in the evenings and weekends to do chores go on overnights in the mountains, ect. I know, I know, I am lucky to have a husband who wants to spend time with me. I really do know it. I love that man. It is just that I want, no I need to clear my head, have down time to myself. How do I let him know I love that he wants to be with me, but I need to chill out a bit after a long week?


Loved and exhausted

Dear Loved and exhausted,

Girl, you are lucky! I do, however, get the need for down time and alone time. Just be honest with your husband, give him a great night of “intense togetherness” and you both will relax a bit more!




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