It’s that time of year where you’re itching to get out the pumpkins to carve, candy to scarf and find tricks to play. It is only the first week in October however and some might feel it’s too soon to bring out the cobwebs, potion bottles, and ghosts. I’m here to get you in the spirit with a few fun flicks which will help get you in the magical mood.
First off, Good Witch. It is easily accessible on Netflix, Hallmark, and many other platforms. This show is one of the best for a feel-good holiday show. It isn’t specifically a Halloween show but it has a touch of magic that draws in the viewer. Not only is the storyline about a unique woman with special intuition, it has a unique way of teaching important lessons with a touch of great advice. Netflix only has the later half of the show but it is easy to find all of it. Good Witch started as a movie named “The Good Witch” and had six sequels which then turned into the television series. You explore the life of this well-intentioned witch and her family as they all live in the enchanted Grey House. The entire series is a great binge for a week and a great step to get into the Halloween spirit.
Now, the Haunted Mansion. It has never been my favorite, but it does have a few intriguing plot points. It is still a favorite Halloween movie for many. Not only was it based off of Disney’s Haunted Mansion ride. The ride itself was updated to reflect the movie - so life imitates art imitating life. The movie is inspired by a spooky romantic story with a touch of comedy, which makes it a family movie. Be careful though there are a few haunts that are a bit scarier for younger audiences. Disney+ is hosting this older movie along with an entire collection of Halloween favorites.
Stay tuned for a whole wonderful list of some of my favorite shows and movies. Halloween is fun for everyone, no matter how you celebrate it. It’s a time for laughs, scares, tricks, treats, and most importantly, having fun.
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