Dear Editor,
Here in Jefferson County, particularly in our little burg of Whitehall, we have been pretty lucky when it comes to the mask mandate. Although health officials are still strongly recommending that we “mask up”, even those few businesses in town that were following the guidelines very stringently have dropped their requirement. One may note the occasional mask-wearer in certain businesses around town, but for most people, pure common sense seems to have prevailed.
In essence, if you’re sick, stay home; if you’re worried about getting sick, stay away from crowds (i.e. stay home) and follow the necessary precautions (handwashing, etc.) if you MUST go out. It’s been proven that the cloth masks really don’t do much in the way of protection, yet they’re still very acceptable, as long as your mouth is covered.
So, the question should be asked. Why the mask? Maybe there IS something to those conspiracy theories, after all?!
Anyone who has read any of my previous letters should know that I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist. If you’ve taken the time to look into any of these theories, one such theory reveals that masks have long been a symbol of subjugation. Whether or not there’s anything to this theory, put together with the fact that the government, for the most part, seems to have forgotten that they’re the ones who are supposed to be serving us, there might be reason to wonder?!
I’m not accusing anyone of blind servitude, just because they wear a mask. If it makes you feel better, by all means, do it (kind of like the vaccination thing); just don’t try to force it down everybody else’s throat. I’m not saying that all government officials are behind some sinister plot either, most are just doing their job. While we may not agree with what they’re saying or doing, they have the right to say it or do it. However, we also have the right to say NO!
Thanks for listening,
Charles Haddon Shank
Whitehall, Montana
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