Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana
Whitehall’s Master Plan Meeting will be held tonight, Wednesday, October 6th at 6PM in the Whitehall Community Center. All business owners, residents, and interested individuals are encouraged to attend, as this plan will help guide Whitehall’s leadership for the upcoming years.
The Town of Whitehall received planning funds from the Montana Department of Commerce Big Sky Trust Fund to develop a Community Master Plan. In collaboration with town leaders, Jefferson Local Development Corporation, and Headwaters RC&D, a local steering committee was established to focus on the goals the master plan should achieve. (Please see page 5 for a quick fact sheet on the Master Plan.) Guidance in the development of the Plan has been achieved by consultants from Stahly Engineering & Associates.
The plan will help shape the future of development within the community. It is a strategic planning document that includes: analysis of existing opportunities and issues; direction setting (mission statements, vision and values, goals and objectives) alignment (determining our path); implementation and execution (an action plan for achieving the stated goals); and evaluation (measuring performance and success). It is not a regulation or ordinance, but it serves as a tool for enacting them.
The Steering Committee seeks your input and strongly requests your attendance and input. A brief presentation will provide information on why the community is undertaking the project, what the plan will consider, and how it will affect the future of Whitehall. Members of the consulting team and the steering committee will be on hand to answer questions and take your comments on subjects that will include: clean and safe Whitehall, infrastructure, arts and culture, parks and recreation, public spaces, land use guidelines, and tourism. Light refreshments will be served.
More information is available at For questions, please contact Mayor Mary Hensleigh (406) 287-3972 or Robie Culver, Stahly Engineering & Associates, (406) 442-8594.
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