This Thursday evening, September 30, at 5:30 p.m. the library will be hosting Family Game Night. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite board games or use some of the library’s, and enjoy an evening of family, friends, and snacks. If you don’t have family in town, just gather up a group of friends or bring yourself to join a table and meet some new friends.
I’d like to remind everyone of the library’s hours as there was some confusion on Saturday about when we close. The library is open Monday and Wednesday from 9AM to 7PM, Tuesday and Thursday from 1PM to 7PM, Friday from 9AM to 5PM, and Saturday from 9AM to 1PM.
The question of the week is “Why doesn’t my library card work this week when it worked last week?”
There are two common reasons for that, and they are both simple fixes. Many people do not realize their library card expires every year and must be renewed. This enables the staff to update new phone numbers and addresses, as well as delete cards for those who have moved or passed away. To renew your card, simply call the library at 287-3763 or stop by and we will be happy to renew it for you. Normally, when someone is checking out books and their card is about to expire, the computer will alert staff to renew it. This is also the reason many people who use the library on a regular basis do not realize their card expires. It is renewed at the time they check items out.
The second reason may be that a patron has books overdue. While we are a fine-free library, not all our sister libraries are, and fines on their books may block a patron’s card. If someone has a book out for an extended period of time without renewing it, the book is considered lost. The computer will automatically mark the book lost and assess the cost of the book plus a processing fee to the card holder. This blocks a patron from using their card until the matter is resolved. All materials may be renewed by phone. If the library is closed, just leave a message on the answering machine and staff will renew the book when the library opens.
October calendars will be out this week - stop in and see what is going on next month. There is always something going on at the library!
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