Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 9/15/2021

Dear Jo,

I have been waiting for so long to meet someone who I am attracted to. I am definitely attracted to the new man in my life. We have a problem though.

He has a habit of scratching his, well, you know. He not only does his scratching in private, but is perfectly comfortable scratching on our dates! He even scratched, you know where, at the dinner table in a restaurant! How do I let him know that I really enjoy our time together and find him very attractive, but that he needs to stop!?


Itching To Be Honest

Dear Itching,

Be honest and to the point. “Keep your hands where I can see them at all times!”

“If you can’t keep your hands off yourself, keep away from me!”

“Have an itch? DON’T scratch it!”

You get my point.

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

I am sure you have heard the saying “She/he is so cheap they can make a penny cry.”

I am trying not to judge, but some people seem to make a job to get whatever they can for the least they can. Am I being too harsh? What is wrong with paying for items what is asked for them?


Willing to Pay

Dear Willing,

To pay or not to pay, that is the is not for us to answer.

Signed, Jo


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