Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Response to Gerald Johnson #1

Dear Editor,

Once again (probably not for the last time either), I feel compelled to respond to Mr. Gerald Johnson’s almost ignominious “war” on firearms.

I say almost because I do not believe he means to bring shame on his obviously favored political position. Unfortunately, by claiming the “War on Terror” to be touted as America’s Longest War simply goes to show his seeming disregard for actual facts when it comes to his pet project, which, again, seems to be much stricter gun-control laws, or simply a gun ban.

He goes on to list several injustices that America has been proven guilty of, which he calls wars. I actually almost agree with him here, because the atrocities against first the American Indian, then African Americans, are some of the worst blots on America’s resume.

However, Mr. Johnson then names America’s Gun War on America, as if to say that merely by owning a gun (unless I’m reading him wrong), Americans are making war on their neighbors! While there are doubtless those who own guns for the express purpose of harming their neighbors (criminals and such), it is unfair to lump every gun-owner in America in with that ilk. Mr. Johnson’s vociferousness shows when he begins to lambast his fellow Americans, even those of his own state and county, his NEIGHBORS, claiming that simply by holding onto (having) guns, they are promoting violence.

Although I am not necessarily a proponent of guns and do not agree with the use of violence, neither will I condemn either gun owners or the use of violence in the face of violence. I would like to think there is a better way, however.

Back to the subject of war. War is hell! As I’ve stated previously, I can somewhat understand Mr. Johnson’s angst against guns (definitely against violence). However, as also previously stated, guns don’t kill people, people kill people, whether they have a gun or not. Guns may be a useful tool for killing more people faster, especially with the dreaded 20 or 30 round clip, but seriously, Mr. Johnson. How many people do you know, or have heard of (outside the MSM) who have gone on killing sprees? I daresay you’d be hard-pressed to think of any, though your neighbors probably ALL own guns, even some with 20 or 30 round clips.

As always, however, I DO invite Mr. Johnson to voice his disagreements with my response. Anyone else is welcome, as well.

Charles Haddon Shank

Whitehall, Montana


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