At the September Town Council meeting, held on Monday, September 13, Town Clerk and Treasurer Allissa Christensen reported that a ballot question voting to join the Jefferson Valley Ambulance District (JVRAD) could not be placed on the November ballot with any binding results; however, a question whether the townspeople supported joining could be asked.
Christensen read an email from Jefferson County Commissioner Leonard Wortman to the Council and audience in attendance.
“In order for this to be on the ballot for November, the process would have needed to begin last spring. An annexation needs to basically follow the same process as the creation. A resolution of intent needs to be adopted, followed by public notice, then there is a 60-day protest period, and then the final adoption. All of that would have needed to be done by September 3rd for it to be on the ballot in November. Our first notification of this, I believe, was the middle of July. A special election could be considered in the Spring or it could go on the ballot for the Primary Election in June.”
These items need to be performed, at the county level, before the town can move forward. Mayor Mary Janacaro Hensleigh said that the town would place an informal question of support on the ballot and then look into the results. The ballot question would not be binding, but would show whether the Town should push the County to move forward with the annexation.
On a different topic, Christenson also clarified that, of the $69,000 of misappropriated funds for the swimming pool that were discovered earlier this year, a total of $50,000 has been adjusted through budget amendments back into the swimming pool account. Of the $19,000 remaining, the Town is looking into whether any budget amendments had moved monies from that balance, and the Town plans to replenish the remainder once the amendments have been researched.
Fire Chief Joe Granvold reported that Whitehall is following the Jefferson County fire ordinances and the town is currently in Stage 1 restrictions.
• Janacaro-Hensleigh thanked the WHS Football team for painting the cemetery shed as part of their service to the community.
• Klapan said the town utilized the county’s velocity patcher to repair the potholes on the north side of town; the south side of town may be repaired in the Spring.
• The Planning Board reported John Kreis had submitted his resignation; Rebecca Robinson and Jeannie Ferriss have expressed interest in the open positions on the board.
• The TIF Board reported that a $2,000 non-matching grant was awarded to Sheri Johnson for sidewalk repair in front of A Insurance Agency For You on Division Street.
• Town Hall will now be open from 7AM-5PM Monday - Thursday, 7AM-3:30PM on Fridays.
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