Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Name to a Face: Kristine Erinn

Few people in this day and age are able to make their dreams come true. However, through hard work and perseverance, Kristine Erinn has done just that. She recently self-published her first of many literary works, Dreams and Wishful Thinking. The anthology of stories and poetry is available at Settings by All Things Montana, as well as Amazon via Kindle and paperback.

"I've been telling other people stories all my life. When I babysat, I would pick an item in the room and make up a story about it," she explained. "I have very vivid dreams which spur a lot of creative ideas. My dream journals are all over the place, here and there, but they always spark ideas." Her family, she said, has always supported her love of writing and they themselves foster a passion for genealogy, photography, and the creative arts.

Kristine Erinn (her pen name) has lived in Whitehall for nearly a decade and graduated with a degree in English, with a creative writing minor, from the University of Montana Western in Dillon.

Kristine Erinn's writing spans the depths of fantasy, paranormal romance, science fiction and poetry. In her short lifetime she has over a dozen books in the works. Dreams and Wishful Thinking is a collection that also spans decades of her writing career, beginning in eighth grade to the current time. Each work has a brief introduction from the author detailing when and at what stage of her life it was written.

"It really is a little bit of everything," she explained, noting that medieval times, World War II, and creation stories are all included in the anthology. "I've always loved reading. Loved how you can become a part of another world that you didn't create, but can become a part of you."

On deck for Kristine Erinn is a two-part historical work on the Lewis and Clark Caverns. Having worked there for years, she realized the need for a piece detailing the park as it is now, as well as the history behind it. She hopes to have the logistics of the park and how it is run detailed in a picture formatted book by the end of the year. The historical aspect of the caves will come at a later date.

Kristine Erinn plans to start fleshing out her next work, Monsters on Strings, soon.

"I began it years ago and realized there are things I need to really research, like surgery and other medical procedures, to get it right," she said, noting that the idea of the work would be a new take on werewolves never seen before.

Kristine Erinn may be reached at or visit her website at Her book. Dreams and Wishful Thinking, is available at Settings and Amazon.


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