Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Fall Festival Planning Underway for Chamber

During the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce's September meeting, held at the Borden's Conference room on Thursday, September 9th, it was clear that in the month of October Whitehall will be the place to be!

The Fall Festival is slated for Saturday, October 23rd at the Whitehall Community Center and will run later in the afternoon to overlap with the Gold Junction Presents Carnival at the Main Street Green (5pm-8pm) and the Screams Come True Haunted House (6pm-10pm).

Vendors applications have been sent out to those on the Chamber's current list. If you are interested, please contact the Whitehall Chamber at 406-287-2260, email, visit, or stop by the office at 501 N Division Tuesdays through Fridays, 11am - 4pm.

Board member Liz Pullman, also of Gold Junction Presents, asked that any town group (Garden Club, Rotary Club, PTSA, Football team, etc.) contact her if they are interested in manning a carnival game booth on October 23rd. She may be reached at the Ledger office or call 406-498-3807 for more details.

In related news, the Chamber office is now staffed as the Chamber's Board of Directors have hired Roxella Lyons as the Executive Chamber Assistant. Lyons was deemed the best suited for the job from a pool of applicants interviewed and began in her position a little over two weeks ago. Lyons, a Whitehall resident, has already made several improvements to the Chamber's procedures and is working on sprucing up the office to be more of a visitor's center.

Plans are also underway for Whitehall's annual Christmas Stroll, which is slated for December 11th. Event chairs Lorie Steerman and Rhea Armstrong are entertaining ideas for a theme and may be reached at the Chamber email address.

The murals restoration project is also in full swing, working with original artist Kit Mather on rehabbing, repairing, and replacing the murals throughout town. A Plan of attack is currently under development, with the first mural being considered the large rectangle mural at Jefferson Fresh Foods.

The next Whitehall Chamber of Commerce meeting will be held October 7, 2021 at 1pm (12pm for Board members) at the Borden's Conference Room in historic Bordens.


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