Our “Spotting Fake News” class still has a few openings for those who would like to discover how to authenticate web sites, learn about lateral reading and native sponsorship, navigate fake sites to learn the tells which let you know what information is accurate or not, and more. You may bring your own computer or use one of the Library’s but please let us know if you plan to attend.
For all of you who have awaited the return of “Sweet Tea Tales,” this is your week! Our popular baking contest will have its first tasting on Thursday, September 16th at 1:30 p.m. The theme of this month’s program is Picnics & Pioneers, so bring your favorite picnic dish to share and enter in the contest. The public is invited to taste everything and vote on their favorite entry.
There is still time to join the melodrama cast on Mondays at 3:45 p.m. The program is for middle schoolers who have a flair for the dramatic or adults who would like to be involved. If you have questions just call the Library at 287-3763.
History Book Club will be meeting on Monday, September 20th at 6:30 p.m. This month we will be discussing “WASP: the Splendors and Miseries of an American Aristocracy” by Michael Knox Beran. This will be an interesting discussion considering the current political climate, so come join us.
Mystery Book Club meets on Tuesday, September 21st at 5:00 p.m. Come bring your favorite cozy author or the latest thriller to share with the group.
The Holocaust Book Discussion group will meet for the first time this fall at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 23rd. The Teen Leader meeting will be at 5:00 p.m. for those who have been notified, so bring your dinner if needed and get ready to plan out the year. The Book Discussion group is open to anyone who would like to attend and learn more about this terrifying period of history.
Please help us protect our smallest visitors by driving carefully around the Library after school. We have children’s programs going on all five days of the week so there is a constant flow of little ones trying to cross the street and young mothers bringing babies and toddlers to story times. Thank you for helping us watch out for our smallest readers.
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