Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 9/8/2021

Dear Jo,

Halloween is coming. I love Halloween. I watch the shows, love the decorations, I even dress up. The reason I am writing is I have had some people say that Halloween is too close to evil, the devil, that to celebrate it means opening myself up to evil. I am not sure what that means, but I have never felt that way. I would love to get your opinion.

Signed, Sincerely Spooked

Dear Spooked,

I also enjoy Halloween. Halloween has an interesting history. Depending on country and time in history, Halloween or All Hallows Eve was a celebration of the change of seasons, a celebration of those gone before us, a time to dress up in costumes, dance around bonfires and ward off ghosts. I will admit to being upset that I can no longer enjoy clowns (or walking past drains under sidewalks!). In my humble opinion, the making of some of the horror movies does not help. That being said, I will be dressing up, watching some old and new Halloween movies and enjoying the candy! I suggest you do the same!

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

Mostly, I want to see myself in the paper. So, I am trying to figure out what to write. What problems do I have? Who do I need to vent about? I see you have written about COVID-19 and mask wearing. You also have addressed sloppy people, men with ear wax, ect… I am trying hard to think of something to get mad, irritated or irate about, but nothing is coming to mind. Maybe you can address the fact that my mind is a blank.

Signed, Attention Needed

Dear Attention,

I LOVE your honesty! So thank you for writing in. I also love that you actually have nothing to complain or ask for help with. Congratulations! However, my column relies on the need of people to complain and me to make it funny! So, please, think hard and get back to me on something!

Signed, Jo


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