Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Residents "Living" At Bannack September 16-19 During Living History Week

Bannack Living History Week is quickly approaching and Whitehall's Montana History "Live" group is steadily preparing for September 16-19. The event is held at the Bannack State Park, near Dillon.

What will you see at Bannack Living History Week? The real question - what won't you see? Taking a walk through Bannack, starting at Grasshopper River, takes you on a walk through time. Join the Placer Miner (Glenn Davis) and his crew as they demonstrate how to mine for gold throughout the river; there you will also see the laundresses who have followed their gentlemen to the mining tent city.

Next stop is Doc Glick, then on to the Thompson Printing Press where the Bannack Newspaper is printed. Here you can also send an actual telegraph.

The Pony Express services is the next stop on your journey, with several opportunities to learn more as you travel there. You may run into the photographer (Mark Brown) taking photos on the street, or you may find a delicious treat of goober peas at the pie cart, also found on streetscape. The seamstress (Sharon Brown) is in her shop, mending all of the tears and wears of the town's clothing, and she will also have a weaving loom for child visitors to shoot and give a try.

Next up is the City Drug store where the pharmacist (Kathleen Davis) will tend all of your ailments.

Ma at the Boarding House (Laurie Adams) will assist you in making arrangements for the evening, and the saloon is always rough and tumble. So many other buildings will be inhabited, included the livery, the schoolhouse, and more. A Sunday church service, consistent with the time period, will be held Sunday.


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