Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Introduction to the Town of Whitehall Community Master Plan

The Town of Whitehall, with funding secured by Headwaters RC&D from the Montana Department of Commerce Big Sky Trust Fund, has authorized the development of a Community Master Plan. Stahly Engineering is working with a local committee on the plan, which will help shape the future of development within the community.

What is a Community Master Plan? A Community Master Plan is a strategic planning document that includes: analysis of existing opportunities and issues; direction setting (mission statements, vision and values, goals and objectives), alignment (determine Whitehall’s path), implementation and execution (an action plan for achieving the stated goals); and evaluation (measuring performance and success). It is not a regulation ordinance, but it serves as a tool for enacting them.

Why does Whitehall need a Community Master Plan? Change will happen. A Community Master Plan will provide an opportunity to be involved in how that change affects the community. It will help the Town identify issues and opportunities associated with impending growth in the area. the Plan will help community leaders set direction for policies and projects that are supported by residents based on their vision for the community, the quality of life they hope to enjoy, and the positive character of the area. An action plan created by the development of the Plan will define priorities to take advantage of opportunities that may allow the Town to achieve its community goals.

How do I get involved? Attend the Master Plan Intro Meeting on October 6th at 6PM at the Whitehall Community Center.


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