Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Final Environmental Impact Statement for the GSM Tailings Reprocessing Project Now Available

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has completed the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Golden Sunlight Mines Inc.’s (GSM) amendment application to Permit No. 00065 for the proposed Golden Sunlight Mine tailings reprocessing project. Approval of the application would allow GSM to excavate and reprocess tailings from the previously reclaimed Tailings Storage Facility 1 (TSF-1), construct a new Re-Pulping Plant, reprocess the tailings to separate sulfur and gold, and dispose the remaining tailings by partially backfilling the Mineral Hill Pit. The mine and proposed Project Area are approximately 5 miles northeast of Whitehall in Jefferson County in southwestern Montana.

GSM applied to DEQ for an amendment on March 27, 2020, under the Metal Mine Reclamation Act, Section 82-4-201, et eq., Montana Code Annotated (MCA). Pursuant to Section 82-4-337, MCA, DEQ determined that GSMs Amendment Application was complete and compliant and issued a draft amendment approval on October 26, 2020. Electronic copies of the applications may be viewed by visiting DEQ’s website (

The Montana Environmental Policy Act, Section 75-14-201, et seq., MCA, requires that an EIS be prepared for state actions that may significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The EIS must include a detailed statement on the environmental impact of the proposed action, alternatives to the proposed action, and a no action alternative. DEQ analyzed a No Action Alternative, a Proposed Action based on GSM’s applications submitted to DEQ, and an additional alternative – the DEQ Modified Alternative.

The Final EIS addresses issues and concerns raised at the public meeting and during the public comment period. All new information and analysis supplied during the comment period and developed in response to comments received were used to prepare the Final EIS.

DEQ identified the DEQ Modified Alternative as the agency’s preferred alternative. The DEQ Modified Alternative incorporates the Micro-Topography of TSF-1 and Suitability of TWF-1 Capping Material alternatives as well as the developed permit stipulations. Under this alternative, TSF-1 reclamation would have more specific grading details to confirm appropriate topography and test capping material for reclamation suitability. The applicant (GSM) was consulted about the preferred alternative and stipulation, in accordance with Section 82-4-337 (2), MCA.

DEQ will set forth its final decision and rationale in its Record of Decision (ROD). The ROD is a public notice that identifies the decision, its reasons for the decision, and any special conditions surrounding the decision or its implementation. Pursuant to Administrative Rules of Montana 17.4.620, DEQ may issue its ROD no less than 15 days after the Final EIS is transmitted to the public, the Environmental Quality Council, and the office of the Governor.

DEQ appreciates the public’s participation in the GSM EIS Project. The Final EIS has been posted on DEQ’s website ( Digital copies of the Final EIS may be requested by contacting Craig Jones (406.444.0514)/ A copy of the ROD will be sent to all individuals who receive the Final EIS.


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