Most of you know me already, but I thought I’d reintroduce myself to the community, as I am one of the new town councilors. I am Linda Jung and I represent Ward 2 for the Town of Whitehall. I have lived here as a resident for 33 years. But my family history goes back further than that – my grandparents lived here most of their lives as well. I have always loved this town. When my husband and I had a chance to come back and raise our two children here, we did not hesitate. We have not regretted a moment of living in this town.
Since as long as I can remember, even as a little girl visiting my grandparents, there has been controversy, political and otherwise. But the thing I remember and cherish the most is the kindness this town has in taking care of its own. This is a great little town with many interesting and caring people in it who make Whitehall what it was then and what it is today. The residents of Whitehall have shaped Whitehall just by living and working here.
Rumors run rampant in small towns and Whitehall is no different. Please bring these items of concern to the Town Council’s attention and we can either correct or confirm what you have heard. Our town is growing, and you can be assured we are addressing the infrastructure concerns of our town in order to make these growth changes guide us into the future seamlessly. However, these changes can also lead to a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding. We are here to help.
The town councilors encourage you to watch the monthly meetings on local TV or come in person on the second Monday of the month. The Ledger newspaper is another source of information and has done a great job of getting council news out to the public in a non-biased and fair way of reporting. We want your input and value your concerns and opinions. Your voice needs to be heard by the council, the mayor, the city employees and by the community. Our doors are open to you and our cell phones are awaiting your call. If we don’t personally have the answer you are looking for, we will get them for you or direct you to who can assist you best.
Remember, we serve all the citizens of Whitehall. Let’s work together so we are all proud of our town.
Linda Jung
Whitehall, Montana
Town Council
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