Dear Jo,
I went to a local fair this past weekend. I am a 50 plus woman. I only mention this because “back in the day” I would be dancing my butt off at the fair. Back then, men asked women to dance; no one stood around like at a high school dance. What is happening? Are there some new rules I am not aware of? All the men just stood around looking at their feet, their beer, their buddies. Is it just me?!
Frustrated Dancer
Dear Dancer,
Times are changing, that is for sure. I do not believe, however, that there is a new rule book on dancing at the county fair. It may have been the music, the moon and stars, or just a fluke. Hang in there and hit another fair. Have fun.
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
I love my friend, really I do. The problem is, she is a terrible cook. I mean so bad, horrible. It is not tasteless, it is filled with taste, God-awful taste! She insists on using every herb and additive she can find. It is a “take no prisoners” view of cooking. She also wants to be the one to cook, all of the time. How do I tell her I hate her food without hurting her feelings?
Burning Esophagus
Dear Burning,
You don’t! Here is an idea. Tell her you don’t want to take advantage of her, and that your group of friends is going to take turns cooking. That way your esophagus will have the opportunity to heal in between get-togethers! Good luck and may the TUMS be with you.
Signed, Jo
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