Dear Editor,
Years ago, there was a battle about water meters, I remember it like it was yesterday. It helped to push me into the world of politics (damn it!) Lots of people were upset because water meters were being installed and they didn’t have a say. They didn’t know it was coming. I went to many council meetings arguing against the meters. Then one of the members told me I should check out the history of ‘meter meetings’. I found out that the meters had been discussed for more than 2 YEARS. I found out that notices about meters were sent with the utility bills. But, like many others, I didn’t go to meetings or read the info sent with the utility bill.
Once I found this out, the battle was over. I hadn’t bothered to find the facts before opening my mouth.
This is normal in any town. Even with the technology that allows us to watch the meetings on low power T.V.
I have found the same thing with the rumor of the audit on town funds. Rumor has it that the Mayor’s husband did the audit. Soo.....
I asked. Seems it was Black Mountain that has been helping to locate the funds and find where they went. And, from what I am told, they have. Black Mountain is a top notch outfit; the Cardwell School is using their platform, I believe the Whitehall School does also (there I go, starting a rumor).
Rumor #2. The water quality. Bill Lanes is right. The water quality has not changed, Just the standards provided through the D.E.Q.
The water is the same water people have consumed from day one.
There is a plan to build a treatment system to rid the water of the uranium. Kory Klapan and Triple Tree Engineering worked on it and had it figured to fit in the garage bays of city hall. Then along came the D.E.Q. and asked about a future growth study; upon seeing how the city would probably grow in the future, the D.E.Q. decide that the system would need to be bigger. So they had to scrap that plan and start all over. Which they have and now the plant will be by the ball field.
I am not taking sides here. I am just reporting what I have found out.
I urge all of you to ask if you see something that you question. Save a lot of heartache and fuss.
Jim Buterbaugh
Whitehall, Montana
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