Sunday was quite the downpour in Whitehall, but I must say, it was lovely to wake up and feel the cool air pouring in my windows. It made me realize how fast fall is approaching with all the fall programs beginning in September. I don’t know about anyone else, but it seems this summer just disappeared before we even had a chance to enjoy it.
A reminder that the library will be closed on Labor Day, September 6th. We will be open regular schedule the rest of the weekend.
I thought I would give everyone a little fall preview of the new programs we will be hosting this year. First is our monthly Family Game Night. It will be open to everyone, and the library will be providing games, snacks, and ideas on different types of games to play during the evening. The first event will be on September 30th at 5:30 p.m. If your family has a favorite board game, please bring it along to play or share with others.
Beginning on September 15th at 6:00 p.m. there will be a three-week class on “Spotting Fake News” for anyone who wants to understand the principles of lateral reading, native sponsorship, and other tools used to authenticate real websites from those spreading fake news or other types of misinformation. We will be using computers to translate the class knowledge into actual searching, so please call and let us know if you are taking the class or need a computer. This class is set up for adults and high school students. Students will find this information useful if they are planning to attend college or are writing term papers. Adults will find it useful if they use the internet to research any business or informational topic.
Our afterschool programs will include Reader’s Theater for 2nd-3rd graders, art for K-1st graders, Art Camp for 2nd-5th graders, and STEM Camp for 4th-8th graders. We will also be hosting four story times, Sweet Tea Tales, two painting classes, three book discussion groups, and a Friends meeting. Watch for September schedules to find your favorite programs.
Our Teen Democracy Project on the Holocaust will be hosting several guest speakers. These presentations will be open to the public and speakers listed on the Library calendar. Teen Committees will be meeting before the regular book discussion group so everything will be on Thursday nights. There are almost 20 teens signed up for the project. I have two spaces left, so if you are thinking about participating in it, please let me know as soon as possible.
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