If six-year-old Rosie Twomey of Whitehall had any qualms about singing in front of a large crowd of strangers, it didn’t show. Without a sign of nervousness, and with no instrumental accompaniment, she raised the microphone and quieted the crowd with a rendition of “Sweet Molly Malone.” In addition to sweet Rosie Twomey, the crowd heard mellow renditions of Garth Brooks songs from Curt Oliverson, rock music from David Doniza, inspirational singing from 8 ½ year-old Natasha Clements, and a duet on sisterhood from Marie Madsen and Rosalie Lofftus.
Melissa Mendenhall, 7, accompanied on the guitar by her father Scott, belted out a version of “Country Roads” which rivaled the delivery of singing artist John Denver. Other performers Saturday night included a group of students from the University of Indiana; though they are all studying together near Cardwell this summer, they came from as far away as Ohio, Massachusetts, Arizona and Indiana to entertain the Whitehall crowd. Another performer originally came from even further away – Russia. Natasha – whose last name Wally Madsen declared unpronounceable – has been in the United States for six years and is studying at Duke University, Madsen said. She wrapped up the evening’s offerings with a song in Russian.
Singing the Whitehall High spirit song with as much enthusiasm as any youngsters, the WHS Class of 1936 won top honors for their Whitehall Frontier Days parade float Saturday. A dozen remaining members of the class were in town for their 60th class reunion. Organized by Gertrude Giono, the reunion was proclaimed a success by the class members.
The Whitehall High School Class of 1946 held their 50th reunion Saturday, July 27, in conjunction with Whitehall’s Frontier Days celebration. Class members rode on a float in the parade and enjoyed the many festivities of the day. A social time was held in the afternoon at the home of Patty (Hain) and Joe Strozzi. Later, all those attending went to LaHood’s for a delicious dinner.
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