Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: 7/21/2021

This has been such a week of giving to the Whitehall Community Library! It started out with Roger Steerman and Jarrin Cheuvront framing the outside space for our new bench. Then 4 Rivers Concrete Products donated the concrete and delivered it last Friday. We had quite the work crew as they smoothed the surface in preparation for the bench and set up protective fencing for it to dry. This week the bench is scheduled to be secured to the concrete and ready to enjoy. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this happen and to Lorie Steerman for spearheading the project.

The second wonderful thing that occurred last week was the arrival of the new logo gear. The Friends are selling aprons, shirts, and bags with the new logo as a fundraising project. A.J. Latta created our new logo, and the printing was done locally in Whitehall. The biggest surprise came when the Friends received the invoice which stated, "this order is donated in the name of Ron Fuller to encourage reading of all ages." Words cannot express the incredible support the people of Whitehall have for their Library. From the Chamber fundraiser last year for the Summer Reading program to the new benches, to the beautiful gear with our new logo, thank you everyone!!

This Friday and Saturday, July 23rd and 24th the Library will be hosting a Read & Feed drop-in workshop for children to learn to make great snacks. The program is from 10-12 in the morning but will rotate children and adults as they finish each area. Storytime will occur as usual at 9:30 a.m. and parents are encouraged to stay for the special program.

The last Summer Reading program will be on July 28th at 10:30 a.m. There will be ice cream sundaes (all the makings have been donated by Paul and Shannon Smith), so make sure to bring your reading sheets. I can hardly believe it is the last week, as this summer has flown by.

History Book Club will meet on Monday, July 26, at 6:30 p.m. We will be discussing "The Splendid and the Vile" about the Churchill family during the Blitz.

August is our preparation time for fall programming so check the calendar to see which programs are going on and which ones are on hiatus for the month. September will be packed with new things to see and do, so watch out for the new calendar. If you have any questions about the Library's programs, please stop by or give us a call at 287-3763.


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