Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 7/14/2021

Dear Jo,

This is a stinky subject, really stinky, dog poo stinky! I live in Whitehall. I love our little town. I know that we need tourism to help our businesses. I even find it interesting to meet new people from sometimes faraway places. BUT, why do they think it is ok to let their visiting pooches poop in our parks and not pick it up? Yuck, disgusting, rude, a real sh___y thing to do. I was having a wonderful stroll through the park the other day, quietly sipping an ice coffee, and slipped in some freshly deposited dog poop. I know, did I actually witness the deed? No, but when I sat down to try to get the smelly stuff off my shoe, I did witness TWO other pups from one of our visitors taking a poop and their owners walking away like they were unaware of the pile their companion had left behind. When I asked if they were going to pick up their pet’s deposits, they looked down their noses and said, “of course, after I finish their walk”. Bull poop is what I say!


Frustrated and Stinky

Dear Frustrated,

I am with you on this one. I don’t care if people are local or from outside our beautiful state, they need to be courteous poop picker uppers if they are wandering around our town. How do we make them, that is the question? I say take a photo and put their photo up for all to witness. Do we have fines for leaving behind puppy poo? If not, we should!

Signed, Jo

Dear Jo,

Is there an age limit on dancing? I mean, I get some pretty intense looks from younger people when I start to dance in a public place. Why? I have great rhythm, some really sweet moves. Why does my age even figure in? Some of these young whippersnappers cannot hold a candle to me! Do I need to slow down my moves? Not dance in public? Or do I just ignore these judgy youngsters and dance on?!

Signed, Boogie Fever

Dear Boogie,

Dance on my friend! Never let anyone dampen your boogie spirit! Let me know when you are out for some dancing, I will join you. I have been known to throw down some moves myself.

Signed, Jo


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