Dear Jo,
I am so mad! If I hear one more time that I should just appreciate my life right where it is and not keep looking for more, I will scream! Why is it that all of sudden reaching for more is somehow not appreciating where you have come from or where your life is in the moment? Can’t I do both? I do appreciate all that I have been through and recognize that because of that journey, I am where I am today. I also, though, want to reach for more, achieve more, not settle. Is this a bad thing? I feel judged and frustrated! Any advice?
Reaching for the stars
Dear Reaching,
The “less is more” message is certainly trending. What people forget is that each of us is different. With the millions of different human beings, each with their own set of experiences, personalities and goals for their lives, it is a miracle that we can form a trend at all! I am not sure what to tell you. You may have people who love you that see a problem with your constant searching. Or, you may be surrounded by a bunch of lazy busybodies who are jealous of your drive. I guess I would tell you to take the time to explore your internal motives and whether or not you are getting what you really want by always looking for more. Good luck on your journey, wherever it takes you.
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
What is it with women loving body-building men? Yuck! I like men who take care of themselves too, but that vein popping, granite looking body type is over done. Is it even normal for your veins to look like they are about to burst when you are literally sitting there?! My best friend is dating a body builder and I am so uncomfortable hanging out with them. Questions about what led him to think this was the big goal in his life rattle around in my head when I am trying to hold a conversation with him. Was he bullied in school? Did his dad tell him that this was the way to catch girls? Why, why, why?!
Too built for comfort
Dear Built,
You seem pretty sure he is not your type, so I am not sure what is so hard about just holding a conversation with this guy. I have yet to hear of veins actually exploding, and if your bestie likes him, I suggest you go with the flow. Also, go ahead and ask him why he started body building. You may actually find his story interesting. Good Luck!
Signed, Jo
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