Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Reister Receives National Weather Service Award

Leroy Reister was presented with a 10 Year Length of Service Award from the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Great Falls (GTF), MT. Leroy takes care of an automated precipitation gauge that records twenty four hour rain and snowfall amounts at his station located in Silver Star, MT. Observations from Leroy's station date back to 1939. Leroy's observations are part of the official National Climate COOP network of about 8,500 volunteer weather observers across the USA. The award was presented by Observing Program Leader, Matt Moorman from NWS GTF.

The National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Program is truly the nation's weather and climate observing network of, by and for the people. About 8,500 volunteers take observations on farms, in urban and suburban areas, National Parks, seashores, and mountaintops. The data are truly representative of where people live, work and play.

Observers generally record temperature and precipitation daily and electronically send reports to the NWS and the National Centers for Environmental Information.


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