Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

It's the Little Things...Literally

I found out that I would 100% become the owner of The Whitehall Ledger right around December last year. Because of this, my family wanted to focus my Christmas presents around things I would need/want for the office.

My husband was very specific - tell me the one thing you know you will absolutely want to have in your office, and send me a link to exactly what you want.

I knew I wanted a refrigerator. I NEED things to do drink, a fridge was a no-brainer. But I wanted it to be cute and retro; so on to I went and found the perfect little fridge.

Stress the word LITTLE there, because it arrived a few days after Christmas to my POST OFFICE BOX. Talk about online shopping fail - I had found exactly what I wanted it to look like, but neglected to read the specifications - including that it is less than a foot tall.

My husband rolled his eyes, I laughed, and when my new office opened to the public, everyone who came in wondered what the heck the little white thing on the countertop was, until I offered them one of the four miniature cans of Coke inside. Then they roared with laughter.

It's been six months since taking over the newspaper and I decided to reward myself with a new refrigerator. I picked it out myself, checked the specs, checked them twice, then physically drove to Home Depot to pick it up. But I knew it was exactly what I wanted because I had been jealous of friend's for several months - ever since my mini had arrived.

I dreamt about it as it sat inside my office overnight, waiting to be plugged in. It makes me so happy. I smile every time

I come into the office. How silly is that? It really is the little things that make us so deliriously happy sometimes.

However, I can't bear to take my mini fridge out of the office. I have to admit, it is adorable and it really did keep those four mini Cokes cold. And it shows me every day that my husband does listen to me - even when he probably should have second guessed my request.


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