Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Murals in Disarray - Can/Will You Help Us Save Them?

This year, appears to be more of a return to normalcy. Vaccinations and anti bodies seem to be giving protection and more confidence in activities and life. We are looking at things in our lives and our home that have been neglected or taken for granted. In our hometown, one of these things either neglected or taken for granted is our heritage Lewis and Clark murals.

The murals are especially unique to Whitehall. No other town, certainly in our area, perhaps in the state has anything even remotely similar. The murals are definitely an aspect of civic pride, a draw for tourists, tour buses, and the reason some people have relocated to Whitehall because a town with them must be a good place to live. The murals are special in many ways and can not be lost.

Common sense indicates that establishing them and not maintaining them since they were originally put up for over twenty years creates a situation where some of them may be irretrievable. The process of saving the murals must begin now if they are indeed deemed crucial to our home town. The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce has begun the process of starting renewal and repair.

There are two approaches to repairing and renewing the murals, one is to have a large group of volunteer workers under the direction of qualified experts doing the laborious, painstaking work. This work would be comparable to a mechanic doing a tune up on a car, it would not be an exciting artistic achievement. The second approach would be to find an artist willing to take on the gigantic project individually.

Either project would require tremendous community support either in term of work or financially. It will be important to determine community support for "Save the Murals." Expressions of support and volunteerism may be sent to the Whitehall Chamber ( or to the Ledger (

Whitehall community, your support is needed!


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