The Whitehall Ledger received several dozen phone calls, emails, and Facebook messages in the past few weeks, all asking the same question. “What is going on in Waterloo?”
Many had noticed that a film crew was outside Waterloo, with actors in period-correct costumes for the fur-trader time period.
Funny enough, The Ledger has the inside scoop and will bringing you some amazing photos and interviews with some of the key components behind it all - EVENTUALLY.
Local Whitehall resident and Montana History “Live” founder Mark Brown (who also happens to be the Editor’s father) is the Historical Advisor and Master Armorer on this new series. However, as the series has not been formally announced by its distributor, the Ledger cannot release photos and content until permitted. Also, while many locals who spoke to actors on set were able to obtain the name of the series, documenting the fur-trader era in Montana, the Ledger is not permitted at this time to publish it.
But stay tuned! This was an exciting filmmaking adventure right in our own backyard and the Ledger will supply you with all the information as soon as allowed to do so.
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