Does a day go by without news that America is a racist country? Isn’t it one of the most divisive matters of modern America? Media outlets are complicit, and they fan the flames, while at the same time chiming in “Racism has to stop.”
The Democrat Senators canceled South Carolina’s Tim Scott’s bill that addressed police reform. Most objective observers concluded that their reason for doing so was to prohibit Republicans and Donald Trump success before the election. To the large issue of racism, I would like to point out an actual solution that is based upon a proven historical track record. The Gospel of Jesus is that answer. The divisions of ethnicity are broken when we truly embrace the Biblical values expressed through the life transforming Gospel of salvation.
Terms today are often redefined, taking on new meanings in this “woke” age. Merriam-Webster notes RACISM as a very modern word, coming into existence in 1933, and defines it as: ”A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” Merriam-Webster claims they are being pressured to change the definition to include “systematic oppression.” I wonder if ignorance can be systematic? At any rate, division and division. I dare not to enter into that fight in this column because of its complex nature. Furthermore, we become distracted from the answer to racism.
Racism is an age-old issue. Two thousand years ago, Jesus confronted factions of Jews for their belief that they were superior. In public settings he demonstrated their arrogance for all to see. Through Paul the church was given direct testimony: “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved,” (Romans 10:12-13).
The Bible promotes a cross-cultural love and respect for all people, even when we disagree. As the Gospel was spreading throughout the Middle East and Roman Empire during the early years of the church, something extraordinary occurred. The church became a collection of various ethnic and social groups, all under the bonds of Christ’s love. Racial distinctions diminished and respect flourished.
The grace of Jesus transformed sinners in need of a savior. Dr. Sydney Park, co-author of The Post-Racial Church said, “Racism is not simply sin, but active resistance against the perfected work of God on the cross.” In a world that is continually being torn apart, the church offers a beacon of truth on this issue, demonstrating reconciliation and the power of being a multiethnic community.
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