Life is short. Youth is finite. You have every opportunity to make the most of the life you have right now. Your choices today will determine the number of regrets you will have in the next ten years.
The most common regrets you have probably read about are: missed opportunities, not spending time more prudently, accomplishing more, not doing meaningful work, procrastinating, not forming better habits, not mastering another language or skill, getting into bad relationships, or making mistakes in a past relationship.
Regrets suck. But today, right now, you can do something about your choices to limit your regrets in future.
If you had a month to live: how would you spend it?
You could spend quality time with the people you love most, really paying attention to every word they said. You could go out and have some amazing experiences, explore the world. Or you could spend it learning as much as you can, in books and by studying life itself.
You could create something. Make a dent. You could leave a legacy by creating art, making people’s lives better, or solving a global problem in your own small way.
Any of those choices, or a combination of them, would be a worthy way to spend that month.
Each moment is limited, fleeting, precious. With the same mindset about time, live your life to the fullest, right now! It’s a choice you alone can make to avoid these 5 regrets in the future.
1. Waiting for the Perfect Time. There is never a perfect time for you to take action. I’m too tired. I don’t have the time. I am not capable. Someone else will do it. It’s too late now. Now is not the right time. I am not talented. I am not ready. I’m too scared. Nobody will help me. What if I fail. I don’t feel motivated. I’d rather do nothing. I don’t have the money…yet! People make excuses because of the fear of the unknown. Others are just afraid of change, rejection and embarrassment. Fear locks you in your comfort zone. And nothing magical or remarkable happens in your safe zone.
2. Waiting to be Picked. Today, there are more ways than ever to pick yourself and show your work. Far easier to have someone notice your creative work. You are the only one who can push yourself a little further to start, create, share or publish. Stop waiting to be picked! Choose yourself!
3. Living Someone Else’s Dream. The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are; the second greatest is being happy with what you find and making the most of it. The decision to stay true to your own goals and dreams is a life-changer. Make time to pursue your passion project, no matter how busy you are. You don’t have to wait to be chosen. You can choose yourself. You don’t need permission to get your ideas to the right audience.
4. Failing…to Try. “You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky could not have said that any better. You can only make progress if you take a step. Overcoming the fear of failing is the first step towards success. Start confronting your fears today. And take even the most basic step towards what you have to do. Slow progress is better than no action at all. You can only change if you make an attempt to actually do something. Whatever you do, don’t fail to try.
5. Giving up too Soon. If you have ever failed in the past but never gave up, you are stronger than you think. If you have failed recently and are considering giving up, don’t. The obstacle is definitely the way. There will always be a way out. You just haven’t found it yet. Keep on trying. You are not your failure. As long as you are still actively trying, you have not failed yet.
The question is, are you going to change anything today, or tomorrow, to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life?
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