Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Name To A Face: LaDonna Knox

LaDonna Knox was born in Midvale, Utah, near Salt Lake City; where she lived until about a year ago.

After attending Midvale Elementary and Hillcrest High School, she worked for a medical surgeries kit making company, before eventually deciding to pursue a degree in Administrative Assistance. She was a secretary for several years before switching up the pace and becoming an HR Director at a glass company, where she presided for 15 years.

In 2006, when the economy was struggling, the glass company unfortunately went under. She quickly found work at the Utah Retirement Systems, which handled retirement, insurance, medical, dental, vision, and other benefits for state employees such as firemen, teachers, police, and more. She and one other employee were in charge of payroll and accounting for 430 employees.

LaDonna retired from the Utah Retirement System and began looking for a new home. She and her family wanted a place in the mountains with outdoor activities like fishing and hunting. They found a house sooner than they thought they would, which turned out to be in Whitehall; close by to her son, who lives in Jefferson City, so off they went to their new home. Whitehall's location was also desirable due to its convenient position between Butte, Helena, and Bozeman

LaDonna went into High Peaks Federal Credit Union to sign up for an account and walked out with a job. Now working as Branch Manager, her vast knowledge and experience in HR and accounting help her find quick employment. She works with processing the loans and the everyday operations of the branch.

She is married to LaMar, and between them, they have one son and three daughters. LeMar and LaDonna have the same birthday and married on that date as well! She enjoys hunting and fishing when she can; she shot two deer so far with a one-shot black powder gun. She also enjoys participating in the Mountain Man Rendezvous with her family. It is an event where one dresses up in leathers and fur hats with black powder guns; the atmosphere is great and she enjoys the other participants greatly.

Living in Whitehall has gotten her closer to her family and all the things she loves. She loves that Whitehall is a small town. She's been invited to barbeques, everyone says hello, everyone waves, and that all the kids are polite. She loves that it has the small-town feel, which she loved when she was younger. She loves all the programs that the town provides. LaDonna hopes that Whitehall will stay the lovely little small town that it is. She is a new member of the community but a well-known and well-loved member.


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