Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 4/28/2021

Dear Jo,

I find myself discombobulated after the town Easter egg “hunt”. It appeared to me to be more of a “gathering” of eggs. Just a bunch of non-biodegradable plastic eggs lying on open ground.

An Easter egg hunt is just that, a hunt for the eggs, hidden of course by the Easter bunny.

This even could’ve been held over at the pavilion, where the eggs could’ve been hidden.

I suppose those raised here do not find the town Easter egg gathering odd, I do not know for sure. My suggestion is to re-name the event or actually hide the eggs.

Thank you, Confused

Dear Confused,

Welllllllll, where to start? Have you ever heard of arm chair quarterbacking? That is what this feels like. I do know a bit about the Easter egg hunt. They reuse all the eggs they can gather back from people which is the majority. I have personally been involved in similar activities for Easter in different towns and states. It is pretty much the same for everywhere. Children five and under, all scampering for eggs and toys, are safer in an open area assisted by parents. There was a very successful scavenger hunt for ages 6+ following the smaller kids egg hunt.

Not knowing your age, whether or not you have children of your own, it is difficult to take into account your point of view. Therefore, I will assume you are coming from a place of interest in the activity and we can count on seeing you there next year. All ideas and volunteers are appreciated. Hop out of that armchair my friend and join the mele!

Signed Jo


Dear Jo,

Spring is in the air! Baby animals are everywhere, people are smiling, the grass is growing, all of it! It is a time of fresh air and sunshine, starting gardens, longer days. That all sounds great, doesn’t it?! Bah Humbug! I am not feeling it this year. I see work ahead of me….gardens that require tilling, fertilizer and starting plants for the gophers and deer to raid. Flowers to buy and watch get destroyed by the neighborhood dogs and kids. Ugh! I am dragging, not wanting to do any of it. I could use a month or two more of cold weather to binge watch great shows, keep my not summer body hidden and avoid all the tasks facing me. Is something wrong with me? How can I get into the spring spirit?

Signed, Avoiding

Dear Avoiding,

You can just stop that BS right now! Get your not summer body out of the house and do something, anything. Just sit in the sun, close your eyes and feel the warmth. Plant prickly plants with terrible smells and watch with fascination as the neighborhood kids and dogs avoid your yard. Don’t till or fertilize for a year, your garden will survive. Don’t give in to that dark voice in your head convincing you that it is still time to hibernate. Tap into your lighter side with a vengeance. Find something you have never done before and try it. You may hate it, but you may not. Good luck my grumpy friend.

Signed Jo


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