Dear Jo,
I try to keep myself well-groomed and looking sharp, so I shave every couple of days. For the most part, this works out fairly well, but I sometimes ‘nick’ (sorry, Nick) myself and end up bleeding like a stuck pig. How would you suggest I keep it clean without bleeding out or forgetting to pull the toilet paper off my cuts?
Signed, Clean-shaven but NOT cut-free
Dear Clean and Cut,
Being well-groomed and looking sharp IS important. I have two suggestions. First, are you taking your time while you do your grooming? You may be trying to speed through the process. Slooooowww down and take your time. It just may save you time and blood! Second, it may be worth the time, money and again, your blood, to have a regular appointment with a barber for a professional shave. If you haven’t tried it, you need to. It is a very relaxing experience. Women should be so lucky!
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
Have you ever been in the car with someone you thought was safe to travel with, only to find yourself white knuckling the entire way?!
“Why are you sitting on your hands?” she asks. “It’s how I relax while riding in the car” I lie. I was sitting on my hands to stop myself from grabbing the wheel!
“Why are you so quiet?” she asks. “Oh, I just have a lot on my mind,” I say with a sideward glance, while I am silently screaming in my head “Are you nuts?! Slow the H E double toothpicks down!” How do I either tell her how it really feels riding in the danger mobile or tell her that I cannot ride with her as I have plans to live a long life? HELP!
Signed, White Knuckles
Dear Knuckles,
Yikes! Depending on how important this daredevil driver is to your life will determine your response. If it is relative (like a sister and good friend I happen to know), you may need to request some holy water and a rosary to carry with you on your death defying excursions. If, however, it is not a family member or close friend, honesty might be the best policy. For example, “If we are traveling together, I will be doing the driving as your desire to tempt fate does not work well for me.” I hope these suggestion help.
Signed, Jo
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