Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Museum Board Reorganizes, Prepares for 2021 Season

Following a successful Annual Meeting of the Jefferson Valley Museum, featuring Norm Tebay with a history lesson of the Tebay family, some of the interested people engaged Norm and his son, Cody in conversation. Interwoven with the history were human interest stories of the family’s life in Whitehall from before Whitehall became a city. A variety of photos shown on the big screen at the Star Theater revealed an era of living in the Jefferson Valley. The Tebay ancestry was very instrumental - both financially and with expertise - in the establishing of this area.

On Monday, April 12, 2021, the Museum Board re-organized. Arlene Weber and Bret Martinell had been re-elected to continue to serve at the Annual Meeting. The following officers are Ron Hunt, President; John Joy, Vice President; Arlene Weber, Secretary; and appointed was Sue Joy, Treasurer. Summer plans will include honoring some of the ‘founding’ families, an antique appraisal, history tours, an introduction to a new Christy Leskovar book, the annual Gab Fest, and activities that will make a visit to the Museum a great experience. Volunteers have been working hard to make areas more visible and up close for viewing. Opening day for the 2021 season will be May 29th. New summer tour guides have volunteered.

Special guests for the afternoon were a representative from Ed D. Jones with advice regarding investments and County Comm. Leonard Wortman and Tom Harrington with information regarding the progress on the proposed museum in the old government on Whitetail Road. No action was taken on either presentation.

The Jefferson County Commissioners will be meeting at the Museum on April 27 at 6pm.


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