Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Jeffco Health Department Update: 4/21/2021

Without volunteers to rely on, it is hard for me to imagine how Jefferson County Health Department would have fulfilled its many responsibilities this year. We have been assisted by mask makers, contact tracers, telephone answers and paper filers. Volunteers have worked from home, come to our office and responded to our vaccination clinics. They have entered data, directed traffic and administered vaccinations. Their service to us and our residents has made a positive impact on our community.

Impacts that are both economic and social. There have been hours of valuable time donated. People have freely shared their talents and experience to provide relief and help. This has strengthened our county and the people who live here. It has encouraged and supported us as public health workers.

Time is a valuable asset. So why has it been given so generously? Many people want to help. It creates a sense of well-being or fills a void or provides a challenge. Giving to others benefits our mental and physical health. Volunteering connects us to others. It can help us learn new skills. It can bring fun and fulfilment to our lives.

I would like to thank all those who have given of their time, talent and energy to support the residents of Jefferson County during this extraordinary year. Your willingness to pitch in where needed, share positivity and exercise compassion have been invaluable. Giving, even in simple ways, can provide improved health and happiness for all. Be well!


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