Dear Jo,
Can you please advise me on a family situation? I recently moved to Montana in order to be closer to my aunt. She is a remarkable woman whom I love and respect. Her son, my cousin, recently moved back to Montana also. I enjoy time together with both. However, every time I go out to eat with them, he hits on the waitress. Now this may not seem like such a bad thing, but seriously, it is so bad that certain restaurants send men to the table to take our order his reputation is so bad. It is not funny, but is embarrassing and makes the experience not worth it. I have tried to tell him, both nicely and not so nicely, to stop. He simply ignores me. Is there any solution short of beating the tar out of him?
Signed, Fed up
Dear Fed up,
It may be time to turn the tables on this Neanderthal. Invite a close friend to “act” the part of flirting uncomfortably with your cousin. Pull out all the stops. A giggling, touchy, loud woman will make him uncomfortable, trust me. He chooses a public place and woman working because he knows she will not be rude to him. Hopefully, someone making him squirm while he is trying to be polite will help get the point across. If not, it may be time to take that boy to the woodshed and teach him a lesson (I will help).
Signed, Jo
Dear Jo,
I am a believer of magical things. I believe in Bigfoot, fairies, gremlins, good spirits and bad….you get the picture. The problem is, if I tell people, they either don’t take me seriously about anything, or they straight out laugh at me. Should I hide my beliefs in order to keep others comfortable? Why can’t I just be myself? Any thoughts?
Signed, Magical Me
Dear Magical,
This is so easy……just do you. If you stay true to your magical self, you will attract people who think likewise. I have always thought that Bigfoot is out there somewhere myself. If you happen to meet him, I would love an introduction.
Signed, Jo
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