Dear Editor,
The subject of gun control seems to be everywhere these days. Even my hometown newspaper. Guns are evil. We must choose between guns and our children’s safety. Really? Here is another man’s opinion. The anti-gun argument often fails to recognize any benefits of “civilian” ownership of firearms. In our daily lives we routinely make decisions using a cost /benefit analysis. If I want to drive to Bozeman for a day of shopping, I understand there is some risk associated with a hundred mile round trip in a car. So I weigh that against the benefits. What are the benefits of gun ownership? Glad you asked. First and foremost guns give me the ability to defend myself and my family. I’m 72 years old. I won’t be winning any fist fights with 20 year-olds hopped up on meth. I carry a gun to level the playing field. I was a police officer for nearly 30 years. I understand only too well that “when seconds count, the police are just minutes away.” Like it or not, when a crisis occurs we are our own first responders. You can choose to deal with that however you please. Please don’t tell me how you think I should deal with it. On the subject of crime and criminals, I can tell you that my experience is that criminals don’t give a flying fig about gun laws. If someone has decided to rob a convenience store or shoot up a supermarket, they do not worry about whether the gun has an 11 round magazine. And don’t get me started on gun free zones! Another benefit? Each fall, millions of hunters in the US take to the fields to harvest meat for the table. Here in Montana, many families rely heavily on game meat as a source of protein. In addition, there are recreational shooters who participate in organized competition. And I live in the country, so there is something called predator control. So, is it any of the president’s business whether I choose to defend the homestead with a handgun, or a semi-auto rifle, or a double barreled shotgun? Not really.
Doug Milender
Whitehall, Montana
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