Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Elementary Principal Check-in

Greetings Trojan Community!

If you have a third, fourth, or fifth grader this year, you have probably heard them talking about the SBAC tests (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) this week. We began our testing on Tuesday, and this assessment will last through the rest of this week. We will then take a week off and resume testing on the following week.

These tests provide a very clear picture of what our students have learned this year as well as the areas towards which we need to focus more instruction. I often refer to these assessments as our “academic state championship.” They can be grueling, but the Whitehall Elementary team has put in place some great incentives, rewards, and other concepts to keep our students excited and motivated to show what they know.

Parents can help during these assessments by making sure their child has a good night’s sleep and good healthy breakfast. These two simple things can make a huge difference in your child’s mental state, and it will put them in the best place possible to attack the test.

Kindergarten Roundup has been scheduled. This is not just going to be a Kindergarten Roundup, it is also a Kindergarten Readiness Program roundup. If your child will be four years old on or before Sept 10, 2021, please bring him or her to this event so we can assess their skills and provide a springboard into next school year. You should call Taunya Morris, the Elementary Secretary to set up your appointment (287-3882). More details can be found in this issue on the Kindergarten Roundup advertisement.

The Virtual Book Fair will begin next week. Information about this event has been sent home over the past couple of weeks. I will remind everyone that we will not be accepting cash or check for this fair. All sales are done either online or with an e-wallet. Information on this was included in a flier sent home last week. If you need more information, please contact Mr. Vial at

Mark your calendars, the Elementary Track Meet will take place on Friday, May 21. We have a backup day of Wednesday, May 26 just in case the weather does not cooperate. For those of you who are new to the district, the Elementary Track Meet is exactly that; students compete at their grade level in running, jumping, and throwing events right here on our track. It is a fun-filled day, and parents are welcome to attend.

Finally, class pictures will be taken on Friday, April 23. We will not be doing individual pictures, just the classroom group photos. Information on how to purchase one will be sent home as soon as we receive them from Lifetouch.

Hopefully these windy April days will start bringing some April showers because I think we all would love to enjoy those May flowers! We have six weeks left, and each day is a chance to make a positive difference in a child’s life. Your Whitehall Elementary academic team will be working hard to make every day count.


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