Dear Editor,
I have recently become aware of a disturbing event that happened the other day. The Ice Cream Lady, who is a good friend of mine, was just finishing up her route for the day, when her vehicle was blocked in & she was verbally accosted by a very upset man, who, for whatever reason, was obviously having a bad day. While this man, who remains anonymous, had quite a few complaints against my friend, none of which were grounded, he was apparently grasping for straws, so to speak. My friend, who showed herself to be a real lady, doesn’t hold a grudge against this man, bearing him no ill-will at all.
Writing (as I felt obliged to do) as a concerned citizen, I too, wish this gentleman no harm, but it just goes to show, you can’t please everyone. I, along with the overwhelming majority of this small town, feel that this Lady has brought much-needed Joy & Happiness to our town. While at first, I was outraged by this man’s attitude & actions, I will not let them spoil my attitude towards this community, which I have come to love!
Charles Haddon Shank
Whitehall, Montana
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