Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Holy Cow - Slow Down!

Something has got to be done about the speeding on Legion Avenue. There has got to be some creative ideas out there that will make the semis slow down and still appease the Montana DOT by keeping Legion Ave a functional part of the highway system.

Two days in the past week I came into my office, which sits on Legion Ave, and found my frames, which hung on the back wall of my office, shattered to pieces. I laughed it off the first time – wow! The K-Bar got crazy last night and must’ve had a humdinger of a bar brawl. But then it happened again. I talked to the K-Bar owner – no fights, but things have been known to fall off the walls when the semis fly by at speeds MUCH higher than 25 mph.

Honestly, I’m half tempted to create some kind of mechanic arm where I can push a button and it flies out of my office and throws a huge STOP sign in the middle of the road. Extreme, I know...but it would be fun.

Seriously though, what can be done? Everyone I’ve spoken with said little can be done because it is a state highway. But why not a stop light at both ends of town? Or a speed bump, at the very least? Heck, you hit one of those GOING the speed limit and you know they are there – can you imagine one of these semis bouncing over one?

Put a fake police car cutout on each side of town! Let’s get a speed reader with a camera on it where a picture of the license plate can be captured, and a ticket issued. Put up one of those little kid silhouettes but dress them in some real clothes and make these crazy drivers realize that someone is going to get hurt sooner or later.

I’ve taken great pleasure in pulling out in front of semis on both ends of the road and purposefully going the speed limit to slow them down. Maybe we hire someone only to do that!

Let’s do SOMETHING…because the possibility of someone being seriously injured should not be ignored. And also because I’d hate to keep replacing the glass in my frames over and over again!


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