Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Why or Why Not? Examining Both Sides of the Vaccine Coin

On Tuesday, March 23rd over three hundred individuals made their way into the Whitehall High School to get their first COVID vaccine, graciously provided by Elkhorn Pharmacy and the Jefferson Valley Rural Ambulance District. However, that is only a small percentage of Whitehall's population. Many have gotten their shots previously elsewhere, but many have also taken a stand against the vaccine.

While at the vaccine clinic the Ledger spoke to those who wanted to voice their opinions for the vaccine. On social media, the Ledger also opened a discussion asking how individuals made their decision to get or forego the vaccine.

Here are their answers, in their own words.


• My wife told me to.

• My age - I'm more susceptible and this is the best thing for my own protection, and my grandkids and friends.

• I'm a rancher. I vaccinate my cattle. I know vaccines work.

• I have asthma. I'm really lucky to not have gotten it yet.

• I'm around my granson a lot. I'm the youngest of four and they've allhad their shots. I want to be around my family again.

• I wanted to keep working - it's mandatory at my job, but I would have gotten it regardless.

• I'm interested in herd immunity. We had hoped to get shots later when we could see what the side effects were, and what the studies showed, but this is best for us.

• I'm a retired nurse. I know and understand the science. I wish more naysayers believed in it.

• [We] are going to Boulder tomorrow to get our second one because we want to spend several more years together! Just wish everyone took it as serious as we do.

• I got my last today. Why? Because it means keeping my husband safe a little longer and with me a little longer. I work in the public and every one brings every little germ in with them. My husband has a very low immune system (open heart surgery, quad bypass, diabetes, thyroid problem and and winds up in the hospital at least once a year for pneumonia) if I brought this home to him I might as well be signing a death warrant for him. I want to be with my family again and spend the time with them that we did. That's my why! Some say No (even some of my family members). Me? I say, why not?

• Getting my 2nd one in April. Old saying "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." I have to say I wasn't sure at first about taking it, but just like the flu shot, I'd rather not get the virus.

• I'm willing to eat food grown/raised/manufactured, handled, distributed by total strangers and inspected by the government. I'm willing to take prescription drugs manufactured by the same companies making the vaccine and tested by the government. I'm willing to drink water pumped, treated and tested by a government entity, I'm willing to take supplements manufactured by total strangers that aren't inspected by anyone. Why should I be hesitant to receive a vaccine that has gone through intense testing and scrutiny and can let us get back to a normal life and possibly save my life and as well as the lives of millions of others? If I was worried about being tracked by the government I wouldn't own a cell phone, computer or smart tv. Conspiracy theories are far more dangerous than vaccines.

• Somehow not feeling responsible for someone else coming down with it and having problems is important to me. I like to think I'm doing my part to help us get back to "normal". I love this country and am willing to sacrifice the possibilities of problems with vaccination. I can't go fight in a war and defend this great nation, but this I can do.

• I have a incurable lung disease my lung doctor said it a must. I am so uncertain but it a risk I must take.

• I take care of my widowed father who has health issues. It has been difficult and sometimes nerve wracking to visit him during COVID, worrying about transmitting what for him would likely be a deadly virus. I'm getting vaccine to feel safer around him, he is also getting vaccinated.

• I got my shot at the medical clinic in town today. I have a friend in Maine who just found out she has breast cancer. I'd like to go visit her and want to make sure I don't bring Covid to her or get it while I'm flying.

• Got my shots while I'm here at the VA in SLC. One of the first to get it, due to a new heart transplant. Only issues I heard/had down here was almost all just a sore arm for a day or two after each shot.

• Getting my 2nd one in Butte tomorrow for same reason I get a flu vaccine, to protect me from you and to protect you from me.

• Isn't it my civid duty to keep myself and others healthy? Why wouldn't you? Love thy neighbor.


• I am tired of shoving chemicals into my body. I am not a Guinea pig. I own my body and want to live the life I have without breaking down my immune system for a virus that is no deadlier than influenza.

• Not getting the shot. I do not trust the shot.

• I am not getting the shot, at least not yet. I have had the virus, there are lots of people who need to get in line ahead of me. I have the antibodies, so can donate convalescent plasma. You can only do that with natural antibodies, not those from the shot. Since donating blood is the only nice thing I can do... it's a way to help people who are sick with the virus & need the antibodies.

• I won't be getting a vaccine, there has not been enough trials, or time to determine if it is effective or safe. I don't get a flu vaccine either as I am healthy, if that changed I might consider it.

• My concern is the lack of time this vaccine has had to prove its worth. To prove that there won't be any long term issues. Fear is playing a huge role, I am more afraid of this vaccine than COVID. Maybe it's a little naïve because of my age. Maybe if I was older or in a category of danger if I got COVID. I'm not too sure, but my grandma, who is going to be 89, feels how I feel.

• I'm not taking the shot for several reasons. One, because I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in, or so my doctor says and 3, my momma said I don't hafta. Secondly, I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist; I'm not (willingly) accepting any nano-particles into my bloodstream.

• I didn't get the vaccine last week when it was offered [at my work]. One reason is that I already had COVID in November and I am going to trust my body to fight it off if I were to come in contact with it again. My second reason is that I do not trust that the vaccine is safe since it was developed so quickly. My third reason is that it made my mom really sick when she got her second shot, more sick than I was with COVID.

• All of the pushers of said vaccine have a long track record of deceit, greed and murder. The US Government, the allopathic medical and pharmaceutical industry and the media have ZERO credibility. The whole COVID con job stinks from every angle. When noted scientists, medical researchers and other very qualified people are being ostracized, penalized and censored for questioning the narrative you know there is evil afoot. I wouldn't let them give it to my dog."

• I will not get the vax. COVID is still a hoax for control of the people. I choose not to live in fear. I rarely wear a mask. 99.3% recover, so why a vax? CONTROL of the people. (I got one flu shot because a job required it 25 yrs ago. I was young and dumb then.) It has not been approved. COVID has not been isolated. It does not prevent getting the stupid19. I will not feel "safe" to get the jab, it is loaded with poisons. What is the point of putting that in one's body? Especially a child??? Wake up peeps!! Tired of this crap for over a year now. It is psychological warfare to keep us dumbed down, in fear and controllable. It is devastating to young children, suicide is up, NO VAX can cure that! It is also spiritual war, good vs evil. I would never take anything associated with Gates. He wants depopulation and this is just the beginning.... our freedoms are being stripped away with this lockdown, masks, vax.....then proof of vax to conduct any business of any sort."


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