All Montana students graduating from high school in the spring of 2021 are invited to celebrate their achievements and future plans through Senior Send-Off, a virtual event organized by nonprofit Reach Higher Montana.
“This statewide recognition of all students allows Montanans to celebrate the Class of 2021, which has reached graduation despite the challenges of COVID-19,” said Kelly Cresswell, Executive Director of Reach Higher Montana. “We are excited to hear what the members of the Class of 2021 will do next. Whether students’ next steps are apprenticeship, military service, entering the workforce, or enrolling in college, graduating high school is an important milestone worthy of celebration.”
Students wishing to participate will securely upload their photo or short video on the Reach Higher Montana website, Special early prize drawings will be held for students who upload their pictures or videos by April 9, and the final deadline for participation is April 23, 2021. Students’ photos and videos will be shared on Reach Higher Montana’s Facebook and Instagram pages from April 29 through May 7. Daily live prize drawings held at 3:45 p.m. Prize winners will be selected at random do not have to be viewing the prize drawing to win. In addition, several prominent Montanans will share their video congratulations for the Class of 2021 through Reach Higher Montana’s social media channels.
Prizes include: Ten scholarships of $1,000 each, ten equipment and tool packages of $500 each, laptops, iPads, and AirPods, college campus swag packages, hydro flasks, and gift cards.
Reach Higher Montana is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Helena and working throughout Montana to help students achieve personal success in education, career, and life. In addition to scholarships for students and educators, Reach Higher Montana provides outreach services to students and parents and delivers many impactful programs serving Montana students. To learn more, visit our website,, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
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