Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between The Stacks: 3/24/2021

Spring is a great time to update and give the Library a new look. The Friends are holding a new logo contest for the Library and offering a $100 first prize. The winning logo will appear on everything library related: publications, information pamphlets, calendars, etc. The rules are simple, and the contest is open to anyone. Submissions will be accepted March 15-April 15 at the Library.

To enter just make sure you meet the following criteria: first everything must be an original hard copy and no electronic files will be accepted; the entry must be no larger than 6” by 9”; please make sure you use no more than three colors; include the theme “Always a Step Forward” and Whitehall Community Library somewhere on the logo. This logo is for the Whitehall Community Library only so do not worry about anything else! We cannot wait to see what all the creative people in the area come up with.

Speaking of Friends, this Thursday at 5:15 p.m. is the monthly Friends of the Library meeting. New guests are always welcome and can come meet great people, learn about what the Friends do, hear about their latest plans, and discover assorted volunteer opportunities available at the Library.

This Thursday is also our Holocaust Discussion group meeting at 6:00 p.m. This month we will be looking at the amazing rescue of the Jews in Denmark, and how one country united to save almost an entire population.

History Book Club will meet on March 29th at 6:30 p.m. This month we are looking at the vast history of China and different aspects of the Chinese throughout different periods of history. If you would like more information about this or any of the Library’s book discussion groups, please give us a call at 287-3763.

The question of the week is “Why are Inter-library loan books taking longer to arrive?”. There are several answers to that question. The most obvious is that many of the larger libraries are still closed or have limited service right now. We order books not only from around Montana but also nation-wide. As more libraries open, more books will be available. The second reason is our courtiers for the local libraries are all volunteers and they have been struggling with the same issues during the pandemic as everyone else. We are getting many of them back and adding new people who will transport books to different areas. If you would like to help transport books, please let us know as we are always looking for more volunteers.


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