The Animal Shelter and Care Committee, located in Boulder and serving Jefferson County, is holding its first-ever online auction. The event, which runs from April 11, 2021 through May 9, 2021, will include artworks, pets, jewelry, dining, and home goods.
The AS&CC, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization is working to build a permanent animal shelter for Jefferson County to temporarily house the many lost and abandoned animals in the area. The AS&CC received a 2.6 acre long-term land lease agreement for the purpose of building the shelter and are now working on funding for the construction phase. As Reed’s Animals Rescue closed earlier in March, a permanent rescue is much needed in the Whitehall area, and the entire county.
The online auction will begin on National Pet Day, April 11th and the AS&CC hopes that the event is a key fundraising effort for the shelter. The event is open to residents and non-residents of Jefferson County. Participants can register early, browse the featured packages and as of April 11th, start bidding! Register early at www.
The AS&CC is also working on their first annual dog walk event, with details to be released in the near future.
The AS&CC also provides two annual low cost spay/neuter clinics and two annual low cost shot clinics for the animals of Jefferson County, one in the spring and one in the fall.
The next Low Cost Shot Clinic will beheld April 3, 2021 from 10am to noon at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Volunteer Hall at 21 Whitetail Road in Boulder. No appointment is needed. Prices are as follows: Pet microchip $40, Rabie $11.50, Dewormer $11.50, Feline 4 way $12.50 Feline 4 way with Leukemia $24, Canine 5 way $12.50, and Bordetella (kennel cough) $12.50. For more information on this clinic please email
Appointments are needed for the next Low Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic, which will be held April 10-11 at the Jefferson High School at 312 S. Main Street in Boulder. All cats are dropped off and picked up curbside at the swimming pool parking lot.
Only one adult dog per family allowed in clinic. For more information and to make your appointment, please call 406-225-4334.
For more information on the AS&CC and how you can assist the shelter efforts, please visit or contact Cheryl Haasakker at 406-225-4334.
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