Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks: Week of 3/12

In 1992, Queen Elizabeth II called the year her Annus Horribilis, or horrible year. While we haven't had a whole year of craziness, the last two weeks have certainly qualified for the name.

Last week and this week, we have had all four staff out at some time during the week, a family

crisis, and a case of influenza A. Thanks to our amazing volunteers and hard-working staff, the library did not have to close a single day and only missed one program.

Speaking of programs, next week is full with the Mystery Book Club on Tuesday, March 18th

at 4 PM; Homeschool Moms Night Out on Thursday, March 20th at 6 PM; and the Teen

History Book Club on Friday, March 21st, at noon. The rest of the week includes storytimes,

robotics, computer classes, and more.

The Vet Talk program will not be coming to the Library this month or from now on. They

decided to have it somewhere else. It was a great program; we will miss the wonderful

people who came to help our veterans.

I am getting questions about the group meeting on Wednesday evenings on political research. The Whitehall Community Library hosts many different types of meetings and gatherings in our basement. To use the space, we ask that groups be open to the public, clean up after themselves if they have snacks, and respect library hours. A group meeting in the library does not reflect the feelings or positions of the staff. Libraries are safe places for everyone, and the library does not take sides. This is why staff will not discuss political, religious, tax law, medical advice, or local issues with anyone while on duty. Now, if you want to talk books, that is another story.

You may have noticed the beautiful mural going up in the children's section. Teresa Young is painting ogres, dragons, knights, and many other mythical creatures with quite an audience. Everyone is coming by on a weekly basis to share their ideas and comments on the mural. The children have been especially vocal as they find their favorite characters hidden among the trees and bridges. If you haven't seen her artwork, please come and take a peek at how it is coming along.


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