Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Go Ask Jo: 3/10/2021

Dear Jo,

I could really use some advice. One of my very good friends is on several dating sites. She uses a picture from about 15 years (and 40 pounds) ago. She will often share stories of this “great looking”, “super buff”, “really rich” guys who she is meeting online. I am skeptical about online dating to begin with, but how can she believe these guys really are what they are saying when she herself is not being truthful? Also, if she agrees to meet someone, how will she explain her profile? Should I talk honestly with her and warn her that what she is doing is wrong?

Digitally Desperate

Dear Desperate,

Wow! Your friend has put you in a difficult position. That being said, it is really her prerogative to choose how to go about meeting new people. It would be interesting to see a person’s reaction to meeting her. Would he recognize her? Would she recognize him? What if he is doing the same kind of “doctoring” to show himself in a better light? They may be in the same room unable to find each other! It’s difficult enough to meet people in our everyday single lives…..trying to read whether someone is attracted to you, have you brushed your teeth? Have they? Did you shave your legs? Why are you even thinking that?! I could go on, but you get the point. I would recommend suggesting to your friend that she use caution, but not tell her that her age and weight might be an issue. Hope this helps.




Dear Jo,

I have been dating a seemingly nice man. I don’t know him very well, but have enjoyed our two dates so far. The problem is, he eats like a pig. I mean he seriously shovels food into his mouth so fast, it is dropping down the front of him as much as it is going into his mouth! It is so embarrassing, I don’t want to invite him to eat with my friends or family. How do I let him know his sloppy eating is an issue without hurting his feelings? Should I just quit seeing him?


Sick of Sloppy

Dear Sloppy,

This is an easy one. This man, no matter how nice, has a different set of standards for eating than you do. You will definitely embarrass him by calling attention to his piggish eating habits. Your choice seems clear, either belly up to the trough with him, or quit dating him. You both deserve to enjoy your meals with someone who makes you happy.



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