Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana
My fellow Americans,
I am wondering if you are as curious as I am to know who is running our country. Even the casual observer can see and hear that Joe Biden is not anywhere near up to the job. He is unable to speak intelligibly, make decisions or answer questions about what he is being led to do.
This reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. A grand kingdom being run by the mysterious and unapproachable Wizard, a mere man behind the curtain pulling all the levers. Behind a curtain, in the basement – what’s the difference, no one sees who is doing the deeds that involve everyone in the kingdom. Not only is this wizard hidden from the public but also isolated from those who have to deal with his lever pulling. The lever puller never has to feel the results of his decisions. He just keeps on pulling levers, pushing buttons oblivious to what is going on outside his curtain.
Who decided what Executive orders were to be signed and implemented? Joe Biden clearly did not have the capacity to decide these things. So, who did decide these things??? He barely had the energy to move his pen across the signature line. And then had a difficult time placing his pen back into its holder.
Under Joe Biden, we have had a bombing in Syria. How could he have made that decision? He is incapable of making that call. So, who did? Who is making military decisions?
Joe Biden is in control of the Nuclear codes. Shouldn’t that scare you to death? Far scarier than COVID-19! Who is in charge of all of the decisions going on in this illegitimate government? Would the military launch on his command – or whoever’s command is being made in Joe Biden’s name?
The betrayal by America’s press in refusing to acknowledge the decline in Joe Biden's mental and physical health is treasonous. That betrayal alone should cause every dedicated American to cease listening and believing anything they tell us. They hid a poorly kept secret away from the uninformed and allowed a man who is in great decline to become the leader of our nation and the free world.
I cannot think of one thing Mr. Biden has done since taking over corporate USA that has been a benefit to the American people. Not a single one. The destruction of our border patrol, ICE and the stoppage of the wall building will hurt the economy, people’s jobs and risk the spread of many diseases into our population.
The attacks on the fossil fuel industry will devastate our independence on energy and cost all of us a lot of our hard-earned money as gas and oil prices rise. This in itself will hurt Americans in their wallet and stagnate the economy as more money is siphoned off to stay warm and travel.
The children arriving at our borders are at high risk of becoming trafficked and or abused by those who prey on innocent children. Drugs will once again flow freely contributing to the decline of our culture and death of those who partake in illicit drug use.
Who are the unelected people pulling Mr. Biden’s strings? Why are we not enraged? Why are we not demanding to know and have Mr. Biden explain his moves and tell us how he thinks this will benefit any American? But mostly, who is actually directing what is taking place? Are they not illegally deciding the future for all of us? Who are they and who gave them the power to do what they are doing? WHO???
Ask yourself, how have we been cheated into a government that constantly betrays the American people and who is benefitting from these actions. This is the government of America last.
We can only hope that a dog like Toto will pull back the curtain and reveal to Americans who is deciding our future and fate for us. And though much of the press truly are lazy deceiving dogs, I am still hopeful that someone, a heroic Toto figure, will pull back the curtain and reveal the one holding Joe Biden’s strings.
Todd F. Green
Three Forks, MT
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